AHS CQ Training

CQ solutions specific to your organization

Every organization has unique needs, which is why we offer highly customizable group options. We listen carefully to your team’s goals and challenges and work with you to develop effective solutions that meet your specific requirements. With our expertise in cross-cultural communication and understanding, you can trust us to equip your team with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in diverse environments. Let us help you achieve your goals together.

We help clients achieve outcomes including

  • Improved multicultural team performance
  • Increased customer satisfaction
  • Resolved workplace conflicts
  • Reduced unconscious bias and increased inclusivity
  • Increase in innovative ideas from team members
The Cultural Intelligence (CQ) Workshop

Empower your teams to work and relate effectively with colleagues and clients from different cultural backgrounds.

Managing Unconscious Bias Workshop

Explore individual and systemic biases present in common organizational practices, processes and policies.

The Cultural Values Workshop

Appreciate one’s own cultural values and then put yourself in the shoes of others without blaming or shaming, and no right or wrongs.

The Developing CQ Workshop uses proven strategies to improve your ability to work and relate with people from different backgrounds. In this interactive program you get to build on your real-life experiences, learn concrete steps to improve and apply cultural intelligence, and walk away with a personal development plan for using CQ to make a difference in your relationships with others.

Course participants will learn about their own level of cultural intelligence and the four capabilities of CQ: CQ Drive, CQ Knowledge, CQ Action, and CQ Strategy.

Workshop Objectives: 

This program will introduce participants to cultural intelligence and equip them with strategies for
applying it to any multicultural context. The overall objective is to improve intercultural performance.

Workshop Learning Outcomes: 

  • Self-awareness of how culture influences your interactions with others

  • Understanding how to develop and apply CQ in yourself and others

  • Effectiveness working with multicultural colleagues and customers

Workshop Participants Receive: 

– Virtual training sessions (in-person, or hybrid upon request)

CQ® Assessment and Personal Feedback Report

– What’s Your CQ? Participant Guide

This invaluable skill benefits individuals and organizations by helping them become self-aware global citizens equipped with actionable insights into cultural diversity, personal biases and systemic biases which are present in societal and organizational practices, processes, and policies.

CQ® Your Bias participants will develop the critical skill of cultural intelligence using the Cultural Intelligence (CQ) framework. This framework draws upon research-based findings to provide strategies for disrupting bias in individuals’ lives and organizations.

To recognize and manage bias in interactions by applying research-based solutions for cultivating self-awareness and culturally intelligent strategies.

  • Learning Outcomes: 

    • Understand why bias matters

    • Recognize sources of explicit and implicit/unconscious bias

    • Identify systemic bias in our organizations/institutions

    • Practice culturally intelligent strategies to disrupt bias

    Participants Receive: 

    • Virtual training sessions (in-person, or hybrid upon request)

    • An online Cultural Intelligence Assessment

    • CQ® Your Bias participant guide

Individuals have personal preferences or individual cultural value orientations. Sometimes individual
orientations reflect one’s national culture/s but not always. Graphic charts are used to show your
individual cultural value orientations, followed by the orientations of the ten largest cultural clusters in the world.  These summaries provide descriptions of different ways of approaching life, relationships, and work.

The first step toward developing your CQ is awareness of your own cultural values and the potential biases you may have toward other cultures.

  • Learning Outcomes: 

    • Understand what culture is

    • Recognize our own cultural identity and that of others

    • Understand the sources cultural differences and how our cultural values influence how we interact, communicate, plan, and execute tasks

    • Time spent discussing and reflecting on how cultural value differences, when understood and embraced can open up new opportunities to experience hidden talents and ideas that always existed within our teams, and are now free and empowered to contribute toward the success of the organization.

    Participants Receive: 

    • Virtual training sessions (in-person, or hybrid upon request)

    • Cultural Values Profile: Personalized feedback reports compare personal orientations with cultural cluster norms and include a personalized action plan.

    • Personal Preferences on the 10 cultural values

    • Cultural Clusters, and tips for working with people on both ends of the value continua.


CQ 360 Assessment & Group Report

Using the Complete CQ Masterclass package is the first step towards improving your groups’ multicultural effectiveness. The CQ Assessment measures an individual’s current multicultural capabilities and their personal feedback report provides them the opportunity to develop and improve those skills. The MyCQ online learning course helps individual’s understand their capabilities at a deeper level and walks them through how to fill out a meaningful development plan. $2,000 for 10 participants for all assessments & feedback reports, with access to online courses. Each additional participant $150. Half day virtual interactive workshop for 10 – 30 participants $3,500 

CQ 360 Assessment & Group Report

The CQ 360 Assessment is a tool where individuals rate their own cultural effectiveness and also receive observer rated feedback for comparison. This type of tool allows individuals to understand where ratings align and also provides a good starting place for personal development in areas where ratings diverge.  $2,500 for 10 participants for all assessments & feedback reports, with access to online courses. Each additional participant $150. Half day virtual interactive workshop for 10 – 30 participants $3,500

CQ Pro Assessment: Measures Your Cultural Intelligence & Cultural Values

The CQ Pro Assessment measures your team’s ability to work and relate across global cultures by measuring skills in four distinct areas. It also includes a valuable analysis of your cultural values across ten global clusters. It is the starting point of your CQ journey and gives you a benchmark from which to improve your effectiveness.  $150 per participant for assessments & feedback reports, personal development and action plan. $450 to be placed in a CQ for Teams half day virtual interactive workshop.

Contact us today and your team will thank you later.

1-877-789-9635 or admin@ahsfund.org
We have produced a safe space to have a 1/2-day 4-hour virtual, or in person workshop that can include all three focus areas with breakout rooms for small group interactions, polls, and meaningful engagement throughout.